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**We know you're busy, so we added chapters so you can skip to the good parts**

Make $100k with 1/2 of your weekends free

The Wedding CEO is a 12 month program that helps you make $100k in 12 months with half of your weekends free. We teach you how to raise your wedding rates & add additional streams of income so you can stop sacrificing your life & spend more time with family/friends.

If you're ready to master marketing and sales once and for all, this program is for you. You will learn how to double your rates and convert 50% more of your inquiries in just 30 days.

the #1 skill you need as a female wedding photographer is:

sales confidence

I know you want to...


stop attracting Budget couples & price shoppers once and for all

master client calls while booking 50% more of your inquiries


double your income so you can finally go on vacation (laptop-free)


scale to $100k while keeping 1/2 of your weekends free


and just think...

Six-figures is JUST the beginning. 

Once you master our profit & sales system, then comes the bestt part...SCALING. 

We have a whole module dedicated to automating every aspect of your business so you can live like a Soft CEO

👋🏽 Hey there! 

I'm Alora, your new photographer business strategist.

When I first started my wedding photography business, I had a borrowed camera (from my parent’s closet) and big dreams. With the help of a marketing plan and a sales strategy, I took my business from $10,000 to $100,000 in the course of two years.

trusted by:

Since then, I have booked $550k from weddings

After scaling back from the burnout that came with massive growth, I developed a signature system that helped me build an elevated, sought-after business so that I could book five-figure weddings working only 10 hours a week with two kiddos.

I created this program because I have been there, without a second to breathe and hiring therapists left and right because of burnout. And now, I'm teaching you how to do the same in just 12 months.


With our support,
anyone can become a Wedding CEO. 


 Our TWC Students have banked in revenue:

💵 $1,500,779.70

Let's break it down

our tested & proven TWC curriculum

module one:

😎 Your CEO Mindset

Overcome the mindsets that are holding you back and stop the mindset cycle that has you stuck and overwhelmed in your business

module two:

📝 The $100k Plan

Without a vision, you won't reach your goals and revenue is just "dumb luck". We teach you how to plan to make $100k without burning out or getting overwhelmed. 

module three:

💸 Create Profitable Pricing

Finally learn how to raise your prices without stressing out. We give you the strategies that give you the confidence to give yourself a raise, stay in business, and make $100k in just 12 months

module four:

💰Five-Figure Weddings

Master Sales Psychology with your clients. We give you our tried and proven sales call map that will have you converting 50% more of your inquiries in the next 30 days

module five:

🕶️ Design Your Brand Story

You will have the clarity of your dream clients and your dream brand. No more trend chasing and copying your competitors, you will understand how to finally stand out

module six:

 ☁️ Attract Dream Clients

We teach you the foundations of creating a wedding inquiry wheel that brings in dream weddings without you having to post 24/7 on Instagram.

Once a month co-working calls so you can get work done amongst your peers. Think of it as your virtual coffee work date

monthly co-working calls

live Group Coaching Calls

Twice a month group calls with our coaches to discuss modules, submit &  ask questions, and share homework for feedback

an intimate Online Community

12 month access to a members-only community to network, make connections with like-minded creatives

what's inside TWC:

 We have sales scripts, custom proposal guide, pricing templates, and email swipe files so you are ready to hit the ground running!

done for you templates

coach Support & Feedback

A chance to submit your website, pricing, best images, mindset support to a coach for honest feedback in just a few days

student private podcast

We have an entire private podcast just for the Course Curriculum & Call replays. We’ve got it ready to binge with  just one click.


enroll now 



5 payments of: 

one payment of:


Student Case Studies

inside the wedding ceo:

your first 30 days...

design your $100k plan

You will create your $100k plan and determine how many weddings & sessions you want to book this year.

create your
 new pricing 

You will use our tools to calculate your profitable pricing that keeps you paid and the business out of bankruptcy.

Book your next inquiry

Use sales psychology to get clients to book your highest packages, book 50% of your inquiries repeatedly.

💡 with twc, you will learn how to:

Create your yearly $100k Plan in just 30 min

Design a Profit Pricing Model that helps you scale to $100k with freedom & flexibility.

Book only your dream clients and weddings that actually light you up.

Design a unique brand that is incomparable instead of shape-shifting other photographers

Spend 1/2 of your weekends doing what you love most and saying no to the rest. 

Join for $100k, stay for the community

⚡️ the support inside is unmatched

If you've listened to our student case studies, then you'll know, one of the most valuable assets we have in our program is: COMMUNITY & SUPPORT.​​​​​​​​ 

You will show up on the calls confused, and you'll walk away with your new no-fluff pricing, marketing, and sales plan.

We helped our students make $1.2M. This isn't just a marketing or sales class, it's a business blueprint. We also teach how to actually scale past $100k and automate your business for a peaceful life. 

This *is* for you if:

You want the solution and you want a straight no-nonsense approach to the answer

You want your business working without you so you can do other things like…idk have a life? 

You’re ready to raise your prices even though it’s scary but, you know you want to work less and make more

You like your business the way it is now and aren’t looking for honest feedback

You want constant control of every single detail in your business and don’t like asking for help

It's probably *not* for you if...

You aren’t ready for the next level as the CEO of your business and love working 24/7


this isn't just a  sales program, it's a business blueprint. We also teach you to scale past $100k & automate your business for a peaceful life. 

Questions You May Have:

how do I know if i'm ready for this?

If you've made your first $10k, then you're the perfect fit and ready for the next step. You're going to learn the exact tools you need to price, market, and sell which can be applied indefinitely in your business.

what if i don't have enough time to commit to a coaching program?

The Wedding CEO program can be completed on your own time and you get instant access to everything. Coaching calls will be on a private podcast. All course lessons are 10-20 minutes long for quick and easy implementation.

What if I can't make it to the live group coaching calls?

All live sessions will be added to your student private podcast many of our students get results just from listening to the replays alone. If you have questions, you can submit them ahead of time and our coaches will answer them on the calls first.

how is your group program different?

Besides the fact that we helped our students make 1.2M? Well, because this isn't just a marketing or sales class, it's a business blueprint. We also teach how to actually scale past $100k and automate your business for a peaceful life. 

what do i really need to get started? 

Great question! In order to get the most success out of this program, you will need a website, a CRM, and a social media platform. We have recommendations but, you can apply any of our strategies to any platform, no worries.

how long do I have access to twc?

You have access to the program materials for 12 months with a chance to renew for lifetime access 30 days before your time ends. This program is flexibly designed for you to pop in whenever you need, whether it's busy or slow season, we got you covered.

👻 you will finally raise your prices and book ghost-free inquiries!

It's time to set the standard. To raise your rates, get off the client hamster wheel, and feel more confident selling your highest package.  You will have the tools to scale a six-figure business. All in just one program.