How to Become a Destination Photographer Using SEO With Brianna Parks

How to Become a Destination Photographer Using SEO


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How did Brianna Parks use SEO to move her wedding photography business from Idaho to California?

Have you ever dreamed of being a destination photographer? Well, what if I told you that you could become a destination photographer just by mastering one thing—SEO? Today, we’re diving into a goldmine of insights from Brianna Parks, an SEO specialist and wedding photographer who moved her business from Idaho to California using nothing but search engine optimization (SEO). No magic tricks, just blogs and determination.

From Side Hustle to Six Figures

Brianna started her photography business around 2018 while still in college. After buying a DSLR camera with half her savings (we’ve all been there, right?), she took on her first $300 wedding gig and felt like she was on top of the world. But, as her skills grew, so did her ambition to become a destination photographer. That’s when she knew that Idaho wasn’t her final stop; California was calling her name.

But moving your entire business to a new state isn’t a simple pack-up-and-go situation. Instead of relying on traditional social media, Brianna leaned into SEO to expand her reach. Facebook groups and local Idaho clients were good for a while, but they couldn’t help her hit that next level.

The SEO Lightbulb Moment

“I kept hearing other photographers say, ‘You need to learn SEO,’” Brianna explained. She had no idea what that even meant at the time, but like any good millennial, she Googled it and fell down the rabbit hole of keyword strategies, meta tags, and all the other confusing jargon. It was overwhelming at first, but thanks to online resources like SEO courses and YouTube tutorials, Brianna slowly began to crack the code and become a destination photographer.

Her strategy? Simple. She didn’t try to rank for everything under the sun. Instead, she targeted key locations and topics that her ideal clients would be searching for. She wrote blog posts like “How to Elope in California” and “Best Places to Elope in California,” and BOOM—her site started ranking on Google.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Brianna admits that SEO isn’t an overnight success story. It’s more like a marathon, not a sprint. After creating high-quality, researched content, it took about a year for her to start seeing steady inquiries. In 2021, she received around 300 inquiries. In 2022, that number jumped to 400.

And guess what? About 95% of those inquiries came directly from Google. Not Instagram. Not TikTok. Just good old-fashioned search engines. This is how you can shift to a destination photographer role through SEO—by being patient and consistently delivering valuable content.

What’s the Secret Sauce?

So, how do you replicate her success? Here’s the recipe to become a destination photographer using SEO:

  • Target the Right Locations: Brianna picked her dream destinations (California, in her case) and focused on creating content tailored to those places. If you want to shoot in, say, Acadia National Park, write a guide on how to elope there.
  • Write for Your Ideal Client: Think about what your clients are searching for. What questions do they have? What do they need to know before booking a photographer? Create blog posts that answer these questions in detail.
  • Be Patient: SEO takes time. Don’t expect to see results overnight. Keep putting in the work, and eventually, it’ll pay off.
  • Blog Smarter, Not Harder: Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to blog every week. Brianna blogged a few times a month at first, focusing on quality over quantity. The goal is to establish yourself as an expert, not to overwhelm the internet with content.

Why SEO Is Better Than Social Media (for Introverts)

One of the most interesting things Brianna shared is how SEO can help you become a destination photographer if you’re an introvert. If you hate the idea of constantly being on social media, then SEO might just be your new best friend. You can focus on creating content behind the scenes rather than feeling pressure to post reels or engage with Instagram’s ever-changing algorithm.

In Brianna’s case, blogging has become a reliable way to bring in consistent leads without having to be a social media star. Sounds like a dream, right?

Ready to Get Started?

If SEO sounds like a foreign language to you, don’t worry. Start with small steps: research what your clients are searching for, write informative blogs that showcase your expertise, and be patient. Remember, SEO is a long game, but when it works, it really works.

Here’s your updated call-to-action:

So, what are you waiting for? Dive into SEO and make those destination photography dreams come true! For more tips, check out Brianna’s website- Brianna Parks Photography and follow her on Instagram @briannaparksphotography.

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